23 Jun 2010

Summer Reccomended Reading List

I know, I know ... the last thing you want right now is doing anything that has to do with English, but keep this in mind: a little bit of reading harms nobody!!! ... consider it will help your brains keep fit as you are hanging out at the swimming pool or sunbathing in Benidorm ... ;-)

There you go!, these are recommended readings for your well-deserved off-school days (click on each entry to check details on the publishers):

-My Family and Other Animals  (Reading Training)
-Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde  (Reading Training)
-The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole  (Advanced Readers)
-The Last of the Mohicans  (Advanced Readers)

In case you prefer reading in digital form, check the  Short Stories on the blog's right-side menu.

Enjoy your holidays!!!
