5 Nov 2010

Describing appearances

It’s Lady Gaga, one of the most popular singers worldwide. She’s famous for her music, attitude and extravagant/flamboyant/outrageous/odd/weird/fanciful outfits/clothes/apparels/garments/wear/look.

She’s medium size/height/weight/average build. She’s short and thin but she has got a lovely figure and well-shaped legs.

On the left-hand side picture, she’s got blond, short, curly hair and she’s wearing lots of make-up. She’s also wearing a black bonnet and a mask. She’s wearing a black feathered jumper matching a grey patterned skirt in different shades too. She’s probably in a film premier.

In the middle picture, she’s got short, half-pink dyed hair. She’s wearing white, sequined lingerie and long wellingtons. She seems to have blood stains on. She’s probably singing in a music awards show.

In the picture on the right …


Now, read the text again and follow the instructions:

1. Check the meaning of all the words you don't know in the text above. Jot them down in your vocab booklet.
2. Give a definition for every underlined word (in English!!!).
3. Write a description of Lady Gaga on the right-hand side picture.

    18 Oct 2010

    Subject & Object Questions

    Now follow the directions given in the activity below and complete it in your notebook:


    15 Oct 2010

    Present Contrast

    Click below for some practice:

    Present Continuous and Present Simple, by Paula :)
    Find this and other present continuous exercises in English Exercises .org

    23 Jun 2010

    Summer Reccomended Reading List

    I know, I know ... the last thing you want right now is doing anything that has to do with English, but keep this in mind: a little bit of reading harms nobody!!! ... consider it will help your brains keep fit as you are hanging out at the swimming pool or sunbathing in Benidorm ... ;-)

    There you go!, these are recommended readings for your well-deserved off-school days (click on each entry to check details on the publishers):

    -My Family and Other Animals  (Reading Training)
    -Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde  (Reading Training)
    -The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole  (Advanced Readers)
    -The Last of the Mohicans  (Advanced Readers)

    In case you prefer reading in digital form, check the  Short Stories on the blog's right-side menu.

    Enjoy your holidays!!!


    4 May 2010

    Writing Outline + Sentence Connectors

    Thesis statement: present the topic of your writing by giving a brief explanation of what you are going to talk later.
    Topic statements: decide how many topics you want to develop and make a sentence for each. You need to support each topic with details or examples.
    > Sentence 1: details/examples
    > Sentence 2: details/examples
    > Sentence 3: details/examples
    > Sentence 4: details/examples

    In this section, use as many of the sentence connectors below as you need. These are words that help you link your ideas to write a cohesive, coherent paragraph.

    Logical Order
    >Firstly/Secondly/Thirdly ...
    >Next/Last/Finally ...
    >In addition/Furthermore/Also ...

    >On the other hand
    >On the contrary
    >In comparison
    >In contrast

    >As a result
    >As a consequence

    Concluding statement: recap all the topics/ideas you have dealt with above and add up a closing statement that gives the reader an idea of successful completion (as if you left nothing to say).